While a workout can be conducted any time of the year, summer is a prime season for men to try and get fit. Not just because the temperature is perfect for working up a sweat or because the days have longer daylight hours that can be spent outdoors. The summer months also present great opportunities for men to show off their masculine statues. Such examples include wearing lightweight clothing while on a run or putting on a swimsuit for a trip to the pool. Of course, getting to that point means first putting in the effort of molding one’s muscles to the desired shape.
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With Summer still in full swing, what better time is there to aim for your ideal summer body? With people being vaccinated for COVID-19 everyday, you no longer have to remain stuck in your homes. You can breathe the fresh air freely without a facemask in the way. Joggers, bodybuilders, and athletes alike can train outside again, giving the world a look at their physique. Whether you have been exercising for a long time now or you want to get started again, this is a chance to join in and reap the benefits.
To any gentlemen reading this article, listed below is advice on possible workout routines, exercise descriptions, and safety tips on how to work towards your summer body.

It may be tempting to dive into a workout routine immediately so that you can hurry up and acquire bigger muscles. However, your body will suffer if you go in unprepared. You may be confident about the max weight you think you can lift, but the reality is that the current state of your limbs may not be. Before starting, there are precautions that need to be taken before pushing yourself to the limit.
First, schedule a checkup with your doctor to evaluate your body’s condition. A medical professional may find issues that may not seem obvious at first. If the doctor says that you are in a state of good health, then you are free to begin planning your workout sessions. But if there are any medical conditions, injuries, or illnesses you may be suffering from, then it may be best to hold off until your health improves. Further stress may result in further injuries or worsen your condition. If you still want to proceed despite these setbacks, it is possible to draw up a plan that takes them into account. The exercises will be adjusted so that your body will get a meaningful amount of sets and reps in without being a hazard to your health.
Second, come up with a plausible workout schedule that can fit into your daily routine. There are likely specific times and days where you will be occupied by other responsibilities. Work, family, or emergencies may leave you with very little time for recreation. Luckily, many summer workout programs only require you to practice at least 45 minutes to 2 hours a day. If there is enough of a time gap in the early morning or early evening, use it to get in your exercises. Depending on how vigorously you engage with your drills on work days, you may be able to set aside a single or a few rest days to recuperate. The important thing to keep in mind is to be consistent when following your workout program. If you fall behind regularly, your body will not yield the best results.
Third, provide for yourself or find places that offer access to exercise equipment required to complete certain drills. High intensity exercises that are part of summer workout regimens may include barbell lifts or dumbbell lifts. Sport stores usually have them in stock so you can purchase them if you wish to have your own instruments. However, if you feel they are too expensive and do not have space in your home to use them safely, you may want to try a nearby gym instead. If you want to build muscle and burn fat quickly, lifting heavy weights is a surefire way to do so.
Diet and Lifestyle:

The most difficult habit to overcome during your summer workout program is changing your diet and lifestyle. If you are used to indulging in large portions of food, this will force you to be methodical about what you are consuming. A diet will only be effective if it is followed consistently in collaboration with your workout schedule. Neglecting either of them will not yield the best results for your physique.
Rather than go by memory, it is best to record your meal times, describe what you ate, in what amount, and adjust the number of calories. This will guarantee you have accurate documentation of your eating habits. It may also help you gauge whether you are gaining or losing weight. When it comes to things you should avoid, it is suggested you refrain from sugar, dairy, and processed foods. Because they are ridiculously high in calories, eating too much will replace and add onto fat you may have originally lost. Instead, make it a habit to include vegetables, fruit, protein, grains, and nuts in every meal. These types of food will give you the vital nutrition you need without adding extra calories.
Another important aspect to keep in mind is getting enough sleep. A full night’s rest will ward off fatigue and aid in muscle growth. Sleeping for less than about 8 hours will result in your movements being sluggish and your muscles not having settled yet. It is when you are asleep that your body takes the opportunity to mend and reinforce your muscles after intense training. Without sleep, it could become dangerous to handle heavy gym equipment as you may not react to threats to your body in time. To ensure you go to sleep at a reasonable time, make sure there are no distractions to keep you up. Moderate how long you use electronics so more time can be spent sleeping comfortably. Staring at a computer, T.V., or phone screen will keep your brain active for some time even after you shut it off. Your mental and physical health will see improvement if you make a conscious effort to spend less time on devices.
Possible Workout Routines:

Reading this article, you might be concerned that there is not enough time left to get your summer body before fall arrives. Luckily, there are options for how to approach your summer workout. Depending on the program, it is plausible to complete the necessary training within a month or even a few weeks. Workout programs make sure to spread out the quantity of exercises completed each work day. They also take into account the days reserved for recuperation. This ensures your muscles are kept physically active but given enough break periods to allow recovery.
Depending on what kind of person you are, you should be able to find a workout tailored to your preferences. If you consider yourself the patient type, a longer workout program will allow you to build up muscle at a comfortable pace. Or, if you believe your body can handle the pressure of intense exercises, then a shorter workout program will get you results more quickly. Just keep in mind that the less weeks there are in the plan, the more strenuous the sets will be. Listed below are two suggestions for a summer workout regimen:
4-Week Program:
This weight loss program is split into two parts across two week intervals. The first part begins to build muscle and get rid of fat. The second part solidifies the new muscles and finishes removing excess fat. In the first week of both intervals, the sessions are conducted at a rapid pace to encourage muscle building and fat reduction. In the second week of both intervals, the sessions focus on keeping momentum going while continuing to build muscle mass.
During Weeks 1 to 2, the body parts worked on include the chest, arms, legs, and delts.
Day 1: Chest and Arms
Day 2: Rest
Day 3: Legs and Delts
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: Back and Arms
Day 6: Chest and Delts
Day 7: Rest
During Weeks 3 to 4, the body parts worked on include the chest, triceps, legs, abs, back, biceps, and delts. Sessions move at a slower pace compared to Week 1 to 2 as the goal is to gauge progress based on how much weight can be lifted.
Day 1: Chest and Triceps
Day 2: Rest
Day 3: Legs and Abs
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: Back and Biceps
Day 6: Delts and Abs
Day 7: Rest
6-Week Program:
This weight loss program is split into two parts. During Weeks 1 to 4, each session works out at least two body parts per day, each done in quick succession. This results in muscle being built and fat being burned at a fast rate. By Week 4, the number of sets and exercises will have increased and therefore become more challenging. During Weeks 5 to 6, the remaining excess fat is removed due to the high exertion of muscles during exercises.
During Weeks 1 to 4, the body parts worked on include the chest, back, legs, shoulders, biceps, and triceps. Every week on Day 6, you can choose sections of the body you have worked on previously and strengthen them further. Just make sure they are different each week.
Day 1: Chest and Back
Day 2: Legs
Day 3: Shoulders
Day 4: Biceps and Triceps
Day 5: Rest
Day 6: (Choose)
Day 7: Rest
During Weeks 5 to 6, every body part is worked on during work days instead of specific days being dedicated to certain areas. Compared to Weeks 1 to 4, there are more rest days due to the intense rate that the exercises are completed.
Day 1: Whole Body
Day 2: Rest
Day 3: Whole Body
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: Whole Body
Day 6: Rest
Day 7: Whole Body
Workout programs provide a general overview of the target muscle groups and weekly criteria. They also include suggested exercise lists that should satisfy the requirements of a summer workout routine. While it is recommended you follow the programs’ instructions to the letter if you hope to see expected results by the estimated end date, they serve more as guidelines for how to proceed. There are plenty of physical activities to choose from that fit under each muscle group category like the abdominals. Certain exercises you may be ready to tackle, others you may want to hold off on. Here are a few examples below:
Bench Press:
Lie with your back flat on a bench. Spread your arms out along the length of the barbell. Grip the handle firmly with both hands. Brace your back against the bench before you lift. Using your arms, lift the barbell off the rack and gently lower it toward your chest. Slowly lift it back up until your arms are straight. Repeat the process.
Lie on your stomach on stable ground. Place your forearms underneath the middle of your upper body and lift slightly. Make sure your arms are bent. Lift yourself up so that your body is parallel to the ground. You should be supported by the tips of your feet and forearms. Try to keep your body from touching the ground for as long as possible.
Lie with your back flat on stable ground. Bend your knees without your feet leaving the ground. Either cross or arms over your chest or straighten them out along your sides. Slowly raise your upper body until you are in a perpendicular position. Either slowly lower your upper body back to the ground or keep it raised a few centimeters above. Repeat the process.
Push Press:
Make sure the barbell is at shoulder height on the rack. Spread your arms along the length of the barbell. Grip the handle firmly with both hands. Go underneath the handle and rest it on your upper shoulders. Stand straight and brace your upper body. Slightly bend your ankles, knees, and hips, then drop down so you mimic a squatting position. Quickly follow up by using your legs to stand straight, lifting the barbell above your head. Carefully lower the barbell on your upper shoulders. Slightly bend your ankles, knees, and hips to catch the barbell. Return to the starting position. Repeat the process.
Lie on your stomach on stable ground. Position your arms near the middle of your upper torso and brace your hands against the ground. Keep your legs together with only the tips of your feet touching the ground. Lift yourself up until your arms are straight. You should only be supported by your arms and feet. Bend your arms and slowly lower yourself. Keep yourself elevated and do not touch the ground. Repeat the process.
Grab onto an elevated bar with both hands firmly using an underhanded grip. Lift your body using your arms and abdominals until your head is well above the bar. Straighten your arms slightly as you lower yourself, but keep your body elevated so your feet do not touch the ground. Repeat the process.
Safety & Self-Care:
Engaging in intense drills while subjecting yourself to the summer heat does carry risk. Remember that your body is never immune to the dangers of the sun so never forget to take protective measures. Your choice of workout clothes, the gear you bring, and other preparations prior to leaving home will help you be comfortable. Just like with your exercises, do not overestimate what your body is capable of handling when it comes to the obstacles nature throws at you.
When outdoors, be mindful of your body temperature. Dehydration, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke can creep up on you if you are not careful. Signs of heat exhaustion include fatigue, heavy sweating, nausea, headaches, or dizziness. If you feel a severe case of any one of these symptoms or a combination of them, then immediately rest, hydrate, or find shade until it passes. If heat exhaustion progresses far enough, it eventually leads to heat stroke. Signs of heatstroke include lack of sweating, your skin feeling unnaturally dry or hot, or your body temperature being feverishly hot. At this point, you will likely need medical assistance to bring your body temperature back to safe conditions.
To avoid heat-related illnesses altogether, there are a few steps you can take. While indoors, check the weather forecast around your expected time of departure and see if conditions are safe. On days you decide to go outside, is it suggested you wear short or sleeveless light-colored clothing so as to limit the amount of sunlight you absorb. It is also good to have sunscreen, sunglasses, or hats handy. Use your short breaks to hydrate yourself and check whether you are showing any signs of dehydration. Drinking water helps your body cool down and replaces any fluids lost while sweating. Even when you are not feeling thirsty, it is best to drink a lot just in case.