News, Reviews, Tips on Fitness, Gym Workout, Bodybuilding Crossfit Training, Running & Exercises - Born Tough Blog
9 Health Benefits of Fitness Trackers
What are the health benefits of using a fitness tracker? Let's find it out to leverage them.
Push vs Pull Day: What's The Difference?
What are the differences between push and pull days in your workout routine? Let's explore the key similarities, differences, and benefits of incorporating both workouts.
Yoga vs. Pilates: What's The Difference?
Need help with the differences between yoga and pilates? This article breaks down the key differences between these two popular exercises.
11 Health Benefits of 5 Minutes Walk
Discover the surprising health benefits of a daily 5-minute walk. Learn how this simple habit can improve your overall well-being.
How To Improve the Pull Up - 9 Amazing Tips for Strength and Form
Want to get better at pull-ups? Follow these simple tips to improve your technique and increase your strength.
Ball Exercise Workouts For Beginners: 7 Simple Exercises to Get Started
Are you looking to add some variety to your workouts? These 7 simple exercise ball moves are perfect for beginners and can be done at home.
What are the 6 Benefits of Dumbbell Reverse Flys - Form & Variations
Looking to add some variety to your workout routine? Dumbbell reverse flys are a great exercise because they have 6 essential benefits to boost your strength.
Best Chest Workout Routine for Beginners
Chest muscles are the most powerful muscles and play an important role in upper body movement. This article will provide complete guidance on different chest exercises for beginners.
10 Reasons You are Not Getting Stronger
What are the main reasons that can stop you from getting stronger? This article will discuss the main reasons. If you are facing difficulty in building your muscle...
What is Skinny Fat? Causes, Preventions, Health Risks & Remedies
Skinny fat makes the person metabolically obese despite having a normal body weight. If you are still unclear about the term “Skinny Fat” then this article will surely...
Massage Guns: Are They Essential for Recovery
Massage guns are helpful in recovery after a workout as they reduce the stiffness and pain in muscles. These are also beneficial before and after a BJJ workout. ...
How to Use Cheat Meals to Lose Fat Faster
What are cheat meals and can you take a few cheat meals in your strict diet plan? How can cheat meals help you lose fat faster?